Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Back to School Madness

I only use the word madness to catch you, my first day of school was pretty fine. I saw a lot of people. Met some new people. So far my favorite class is Research which sounds REAALLY boring but it's actually just the school's news network. My teacher is hilarious and I love her. All my other classes seem pretty good. C Lunch has turned out not to be that bad since I have a bunch of my friends in it. I miss a lot of people that I don't get to see a lot but I'll eventually find a way to see some old friends. Basically, things have been going smoothly.

Update on things with Drake - Yesterday I saw him at the end of the day, I smiled at him and he looked away and frowned, leaving me puzzled and trying to find an explanation. Today, he was passing by and I looked at him, he immediately looked away and walked faster. My first thought, "Wtf.." My second thought, "Maybe he's just shy..?" but Drake is not a shy guy. So I ask my good old friend Sebastian, "Soooo.. does Drake still like me..?" Sebastian's reply, "No. :( He likes Chrystal." my veryveryvery first thought, "DIE, CHRYSTAL DIE." To explain this, [in short] EVERY SINGLE GUY I HAVE EVER LIKED IN MIDDLE SCHOOL , HAS LIKED CHRYSTAL. THIS GIRL IS LIKE 5 INCHES SHORTER THAN ME, IS A STICK [no offense to skinny girls, but this girl is just too skinny and he no curves anywhere.] AND HER HAIR ALWAYS LOOKS GREASY. WHYWHYWHYWHWHYHWYHYWHWYWHWEKWASDHF;KJL ? 

Anyways, I just said thanks to Sebastian and logged off and listened to some sad music then took a shower because showers make me feel better. So yes, I've come to the remembrance that Drake is stupid. I knew this before, and I have no idea why I had forgotten it. Me just being my stupid self. Yay life.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, when I got home from school I had a huuuge headache and I tried to just ignore it and carry on but it got to the point where the back of my eyeballs hurt and my eyebrows did too. The top of my head ached and I was just like Aggh . My chest felt weird so I started to walk to the bathroom and then a huge splurge of throw up came out of my mouth so I ended up just puking in the toilet for five minutes. Then I went to go get some cereal. Since I'm not even 5 feet, I have to get on my tippy toes and hit the cereal box so that it'll fall down into my hands , but instead of falling down into my hands the cereal came down and hit me in the face. Then I just quietly ate my cereal in agony , told my mom to please put my laundry in the dryer and fold it while I went to bed. She agreed and that is how my night ended.

Once again, to the none of you who read this [maybe someone does? I don't know where to check..] sorry for not posting. I will maybe post again tomorrow. Thanks & good night. (:

Forever Yours,
Josefina Del Sol Duarte <3

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